Thursday, November 27, 2008

Obtain a yield

I've just spend a happy hour in the kitchen weighing, bagging and dicing lamb. Today we took delivery of 1 1/2 lambs that were raised by local friends. They lived a happy life, with everything they needed, and at the end of their time they were "processed" (don't you love euphemisms?!) humanely on-site so did not have to experience the trauma of the abattoir system. A butcher did the hard work (chops, roasts etc) but left the dicing to me.

Although we didn't get the offal (the owners keep them) we got everything else, including all the bones and scrap pieces (some for the dogs, some for the dogs, some for the stew pot). For only $165 - delivered - that will see us in lamb for 3-4 months at least. It goes without saying that the flavour is superior to that we used to experience from the butcher. In addition to the cash I also gave a few tomatillo plants as well.

As I don't think I can ever become a vegetarian (just love meat too much...LOL) to me this seems the best possible way to buy meat, and I'm lucky that I live in a rural area that makes this easier.

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